Arts in Japan: Past & Future
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this trip has now been rescheduled to May 13 - 24, 2023.
This trip is fully booked, but we are accepting reservations for the wait list. If you are interested in being put on the wait list, please complete the reservation form and send it to Art Travel.
The time is now to sign up and join the SAA to travel to Japan to explore its arts. Please see trip details in the flyer/reservation form.
Trip reservation forms will be accepted BY MAIL ONLY and must include your check or credit card for the $1,500 per person deposit and the completed reservation form. Please make checks payable to the tour operator, Art Travel, and mail payments and reservation forms to Art Travel, c/o Anne Alene, 1029 2nd Street, Suite 207, Santa Monica, CA 90403. Please do not mail to the SAA.
Acceptance will be determined by the earliest postmark date, and a waiting list will be established.
This trip is limited to 20 SAA members and is expected to fill immediately, so it is important to register now!
Registration Policies
The Society for Asian Art's cancellation policy requires at least one week's advance written notice in order to receive a refund of registration fees. This excludes our Travel programs, which have separate cancellation policies, as well as any programs where a specific refund policy is stated on the event page. Your fees will be returned to you through a check in the mail. To cancel, please contact us.
For programs located within the Asian Art Museum, the museum entrance fee must be paid separately and is not included with your registration fee.
Please note that by registering for a program, you are giving consent to the SAA to be photographed or videoed as a participant.