Upper Category Member Events

No Programs are currently scheduled. Please check back soon.

Upper Category Member Events

Each year, the Upper Category Member Events Committee brings together a roster of special events for SAA members in the Contributor, Donor and Sponsor levels.

In 2023, we organized a variety of special events, including a virtual studio visit with artist Ala Ebtekar; a Society Conversation in a private home with LACMA Curator and Head of Art of the Middle East, Linda Komaroff; a Sponsor member event in a private home with the Asian Art Museum’s Barbara Bass Bakar Director and CEO, Jay Xu; a Sponsor and Donor member event at Iwasawa Oriental Art on the art of incense and calligraphy; a special viewing of Out of Place at ICA SF with artist Rupy Tut; a Sponsor member event on East Asian water droppers with SAA President Marsha Vargas Handley; and a Society Conversation in a private home with former Asian Art Museum curator Qamar Adamjee.

If you are not yet an Upper Category member, we invite your participation. Please contact the SAA Office Manager to upgrade your membership, or join as an Upper Category member.

Upcoming Upper Category Member Events

Check back soon for other upcoming Upper Category member events that are being planned. Thank you.

September 29, 2024 - Save the Date!
Sponsor Member Event with Forrest McGill


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